May 4, 2024

How to Get a BSN to MSN Degree Online

How to Get a BSN to MSN Degree OnlineInquiries about how to get a BSN to MSN degree online often outnumber inquiries about other type of distance graduate programs. There is a surfeit of online schools with Master of Science in Nursing degree programs, in addition to campus based nursing schools.

How to Get a BSN to MSN Degree Online vs. On-Campus

The differences between RN-BSN and BSN-MSN online programs and traditional on-campus undergraduate and graduate nursing school programs, are usually no more than the obvious: physical classrooms vs. online ones, scheduled classes every week vs. online work done at the student’s convenience, and differences in tuition and expenses. Both on-campus and online programs offer quality education, required clinical hours, and the same value behind a BSN or MSN nursing degree. Many brick-and-mortar campus colleges also offer online BSN to MSN programs, such as Georgetown University Online, University of Cincinnati Online and Drexel University Online. Anyone researching how to bet a BSN to MSN degree online can be assured that all of these schools have excellent online MSN degree programs.

Benefits of the Top Online BSN to MSN Progams

BSN to MSN programs online can be found by the hundreds. It is important that each student who is learning how to get a BSN to MSN degree online consider what he or she ultimately wants from a graduate degree and a career, and which school factors and strengths are most important. For example, there are online schools that specialize in MBA in Healthcare programs, such as Ashford University and Devry University, Keller Graduate School of Management.

Rankings of the best online MSN degree programs will vary according to student considerations like online support and flexible schedules, as well as statistical information such as student employment percentages after graduation.  Factors of importance for prospective students will also vary, of course, but there are universally important factors to consider such as course load, flexibility of schedule, availability of classes, cost of tuition and financial aid availability, and especially accreditation. It is imperative that any student verify an online school’s accreditation.

Financial Aid for Online BSN to MSN Programs

Financial aid is available for almost any student and from every major campus or online BSN to MSN degree program. The amount of financial aid granted by government sources depends upon financial need and a few other factors, but government loans are always available for those earning a BSN to MSN degree. However, at the graduate level, loans have maximum cap. If an online BSN to MSN program exceeds this amount, then it may be best to find another program, or look into supplemental sources of financial aid, such as scholarships, work studies and private lenders and grants. Some facilities have scholarship and/or tuition reimbursement programs for RNs who hold a BSN, and advance to a graduate degree, as long as they stay within the company. Students who currently work as RNs and are seriously considering enrolling in an online BSN to MSN program should check with their employer about tuition reimbursement and other continuing education incentive opportunities. A great resource for specific scholarships and other financial aid information for BSN to MSN programs online is the American Association of College of Nursing, at This site provides scholarship details, requirements and deadlines, as well as information on costs, tuition and expenses on graduate nursing distance education.

Discovering why and how to get a BSN to MSN degree online is not a difficult task, once a student has the basic necessary information – for many, it is the most convenient, affordable and logical source of education.